I would like to use an autocomplete with ajax. So my goal is to have:
When the user types something in the text field, some suggestions provided by the server appear (I have to find suggestions in a database)
When the user presses "enter", clicks somewhere else than in the autocomplete box, or when he/she selects a suggestion, the string in the textfield is sent to the server.
I first tried to use the autocomplete widget provided by lift but I faced three problems:
- it is meant to be an extended select, that is to say you can originally only submit suggested values.
- it is not meant to be used with ajax.
- it gets buggy when combined with
So, my question is: How can I combine jquery autocomplete and interact with the server in lift. I think I should use some callbacks but I don't master them.
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE Here is a first implementation I tried but the callback doesn't work:
private def update_source(current: String, limit: Int) = {
val results = if (current.length == 0) Nil else /* generate list of results */
new JsCmd{def toJsCmd = if(results.nonEmpty) results.mkString("[\"", "\", \"", "\"]") else "[]" }
def render = {
val id = "my-autocomplete"
val cb = SHtml.ajaxCall(JsRaw("request"), update_source(_, 4))
val script = Script(new JsCmd{
def toJsCmd = "$(function() {"+
"$(\"#"+id+"\").autocomplete({ "+
"autocomplete: on, "+
"source: function(request, response) {"+
"response("+cb._2.toJsCmd + ");" +
<head><script charset="utf-8"> {script} </script></head> ++
<span id={id}> {SHtml.ajaxText(init, s=>{ /*set cell to value s*/; Noop}) } </span>
So my idea was:
- to get the selected result via an
field which would be wraped into an autocomplete field - to update the autocomplete suggestions using a javascript function