I am using backtrace() and backtrace_symbols() to output backtrace on SIGSEGV and other signals in format like this:
0: [0xb750818]
1: /opt/server/libQtScript.so.4(+0x6f42a) [0xb782c42a]
2: /opt/server/libQtScript.so.4(+0x7bffc) [0xb7838ffc]
3: /opt/server/libQtScript.so.4(+0x86946) [0xb7843946]
4: /opt/server/libQtScript.so.4(+0x7c4bc) [0xb78394bc]
5: /opt/server/libQtScript.so.4(+0x86946) [0xb7843946]
6: /opt/server/libQtScript.so.4(+0x9603e) [0xb785303e]
7: /opt/server/libQtScript.so.4(_ZN12QScriptValue4callERKS_RK5QListIS_E+0x2e7) [0xb7891647]
In this particular case, frame #7 is fine for me, though frame 1-6 gives me some kind "+x" addresses.
How to get exact line in disassemble for "+0x6f42a" and other addresses in GDB? And what frame #0, without described module, means?