I'm working on a problem where I'm instantiating many instances of an object. Most of the time the instantiated objects are identical. To reduce memory overhead, I'd like to have all the identical objects point to the same address. When I modify the object, though, I'd like a new instance to be created--essentially copy-on-write behavior. What is the best way to achieve this in Python?
The Flyweight Pattern comes close. An example (from http://codesnipers.com/?q=python-flyweights):
import weakref
class Card(object):
_CardPool = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
def __new__(cls, value, suit):
obj = Card._CardPool.get(value + suit, None)
if not obj:
obj = object.__new__(cls)
Card._CardPool[value + suit] = obj
obj.value, obj.suit = value, suit
return obj
This behaves as follows:
>>> c1 = Card('10', 'd')
>>> c2 = Card('10', 'd')
>>> id(c1) == id(c2)
>>> c2.suit = 's'
>>> c1.suit
>>> id(c1) == id(c2)
The desired behavior would be:
>>> c1 = Card('10', 'd')
>>> c2 = Card('10', 'd')
>>> id(c1) == id(c2)
>>> c2.suit = 's'
>>> c1.suit
>>> id(c1) == id(c2)
Update: I came across the Flyweight Pattern and it seemed to almost fit the bill. However, I'm open to other approaches.
are the same object. When you set an attribute on one, there is no way to make it turn into another object, without you fetching a new instance and letting the class give you a new copy. Might involve a slightly different approach, involving a bunch of__setattr__
magic. – Lyssa