Instead of using a table plugin by someone else, I choose to do it the standard HTML way of making Tables and rows etc etc. I would fetch data from a database to fill the rows. But when the number of rows exceeded 10,000, I realized I needed to lazy_load the rows otherwise the website would be incredibly slow. I've looked for ways to lazy load rows of a table, but I can't seem to find it anywhere, so my question is simply does the lazyloading plug-in or for rows even exist?
Hope some guru can answer this. Thanks in advance!
Background as to what I'm trying to do: I'm creating the rough sketch of the table in the html code, then during runtime, I will add rows to the table through DOM when the user searches for particular things. When they search it, there will be thousands of results, and I want to lazyload the result into the table.
jQuery provides lazyload for images and containers of images.
Some other plug-ins allowed for lazyloading of divs.
Lazyloading for table rows however seemed to be non-existant.
Some sample code for context:
<legend>PhotoViewer v1.6</legend>
<h4 id = "albumName"><i>Photos</i></h4>
<table cellspacing="1" border="2" id = "photoTable" class = "lazyProgressiveLoad">
<tr style="font-style: italic; font-size: small; font-family: Segoe UI Light; color: Red">
<th><input type="button" value="Add Photo" onclick="addPhoto()" id = "addPhoto"/></th>
Looking for some code that will allow the same functionality as the code below for table rows.
$(function() {
effect : "fadeIn"
,appear : function(elements_left, settings) {
//console.log(this, elements_left, settings);
load : function(elements_left, settings) {
//console.log(this, elements_left, settings);