For data like Integer, Long, String and else are fine, I just put it in the bundle and get it back once the onCreateView gets called again. But my fragment also has listener like following,
public class SomeFragment extends Fragment {
public interface SomeListener {
public void onStartDoingSomething(Object whatItIsDoing, Date when);
public void onDoneDoingTheThing(Object whatItDid, boolean result);
private SomeFragmentListener listener;
private String[] args;
public static SomeFragment getInstance(SomeListener _listener, String... _args) {
SomeFragment sf = new SomeFragment();
sf.listener = _listener
sf.args = _args
return sf;
// rest of the class
// the example of where do I invoke the listener are
// - onSetVisibilityHint
// - When AsyncTask is done
// - successfully download JSON
// etc.
How can I have the listener to bundle so that I can get it back later?