Another person here with the same issue in SSDT Data Compare. One thing you could do is use the Spreadsheet Compare 2013 program
to compare the 2 tables in Excel workbook sheets.
1) Dump the data from SQL Server table to 2 separate excel workbooks
with the same sheet name to 'Sheet 1'.
2) Run the Spreadsheet Compare program, enter the filepath to the 2 workbooks created in Step1.
3) Use the export results option. Differences will be exported to Excel.
NOTE: Each value change for each field will be a new record in the "Compare Export"
4) To the exported results (Excel) you would add a field with the key fields
from the table. I did this using INDIRECT formula
and replacing the
Range Value column letter (EXPL: 'J7562' from 'J' to 'B').
The complete formula looks as follows. I had to do this a few times for other key fields needed.
--Key Value from the dataset, [PlanDimensionKey]
(E2) ="'" & INDIRECT("'[JET upload LAST change.xlsx]dbo.OperatingPlan (import)'" & "!H" & RIGHT(B2,4)) & "'"
--Key Value from the dataset, [Division]
(F2) =INDIRECT("'[JET upload LAST change.xlsx]dbo.OperatingPlan (import)'" & "!C" & RIGHT(B2,4))
--Key Value from the dataset, [PeriodKey]
(G2) ="'" & INDIRECT("'[JET upload LAST change.xlsx]dbo.OperatingPlan (import)'" & "!I" & RIGHT(B2,4)) & "'"
--Returns the FIELD LABEL for each value difference; typed in columnar ordinal position
"ProductCode", "Concept", "DivisionKey", "PlanYear", "PlanVersion", "Year", "Period", "PlanDimensionKey", "PeriodKey", "NetSales", "Volume", "SalesCost", "GrossMargin")
5) You could then use a text editor (NotePad++) to paste in the table data and write the SQL UPDATE statement
- Replace tabs with a comma in NOTEPAD++... replace
with ,
- Add values parenthesis for each record in NOTEPADD++... replace
with )\r\n,(
Not the easiest thing I've ever done, but it is a serviceable way to compare data and write SQL changes. I was able to modify 504 values fairly simply with this method. Changes:= 7 SKU * 3 Columns * 12 Months * 2 divisions = 504 changes
. It's too bad that VS SSDT cannot compare tables with schema differences.
--Spreadsheet Compare 2013 export results with added key fields--
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
| Range | Old Value | New Value | Description | PlanDimensionKey | Division | PeriodKey | VALUE FIELD |
| J7562 | '1949.26' | '105627.74' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-01' | NetSales |
| J7563 | '2023.39' | '133624.49' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-02' | NetSales |
| J7564 | '2380.1799999999998' | '76481.8' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-03' | NetSales |
| J7565 | '2880.91' | '76563.55' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-04' | NetSales |
| J7566 | '2797.08' | '92416.79' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-05' | NetSales |
| J7567 | '2432.5700000000002' | '91324.19' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-06' | NetSales |
| J7568 | '3095.74' | '100132.53' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-07' | NetSales |
| J7569 | '3613.07' | '136506.1' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-08' | NetSales |
| J7570 | '2146.5700000000002' | '115062.45' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-09' | NetSales |
| J7571 | '2522.0500000000002' | '121164.3' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-10' | NetSales |
| J7572 | '2690.11' | '135402.20000000001' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-11' | NetSales |
| J7573 | '2180.79' | '107210.08' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-12' | NetSales |
| J7574 | '1949.26' | '105627.74' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-01' | NetSales |
| J7575 | '2023.39' | '133624.49' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-02' | NetSales |
| J7576 | '2380.1799999999998' | '76481.8' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-03' | NetSales |
| J7577 | '2880.91' | '76563.55' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-04' | NetSales |
| J7578 | '2797.08' | '92416.79' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-05' | NetSales |
| J7579 | '2432.5700000000002' | '91324.19' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-06' | NetSales |
| J7580 | '3095.74' | '100132.53' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-07' | NetSales |
| J7581 | '3613.07' | '136506.1' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-08' | NetSales |
| J7582 | '2146.5700000000002' | '115062.45' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-09' | NetSales |
| J7583 | '2522.0500000000002' | '121164.3' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-10' | NetSales |
| J7584 | '2690.11' | '135402.20000000001' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-11' | NetSales |
| J7585 | '2180.79' | '107210.08' | Entered Value Changed. | '8351-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-12' | NetSales |
| L7610 | '37095.74' | '113500.3' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-01' | SalesCost |
| L7611 | '57068.24' | '150427.1' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-02' | SalesCost |
| L7612 | '42449.3' | '101808.75' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-03' | SalesCost |
| L7613 | '42025.86' | '110008.72' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-04' | SalesCost |
| L7614 | '51727.27' | '125514.74' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-05' | SalesCost |
| L7615 | '45501.57' | '106330.64' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-06' | SalesCost |
| L7616 | '48026.35' | '117350.16' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-07' | SalesCost |
| L7617 | '51493.51' | '148743.64000000001' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-08' | SalesCost |
| L7618 | '40102.230000000003' | '124767.09' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-09' | SalesCost |
| L7619 | '40849.61' | '114226.42' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-10' | SalesCost |
| L7620 | '50533.83' | '155022.29' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-11' | SalesCost |
| L7621 | '42731.83' | '122845.71' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 1 | '2019-12' | SalesCost |
| L7622 | '37095.74' | '113500.3' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-01' | SalesCost |
| L7623 | '57068.24' | '150427.1' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-02' | SalesCost |
| L7624 | '42449.3' | '101808.75' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-03' | SalesCost |
| L7625 | '42025.86' | '110008.72' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-04' | SalesCost |
| L7626 | '51727.27' | '125514.74' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-05' | SalesCost |
| L7627 | '45501.57' | '106330.64' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-06' | SalesCost |
| L7628 | '48026.35' | '117350.16' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-07' | SalesCost |
| L7629 | '51493.51' | '148743.64000000001' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-08' | SalesCost |
| L7630 | '40102.230000000003' | '124767.09' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-09' | SalesCost |
| L7631 | '40849.61' | '114226.42' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-10' | SalesCost |
| L7632 | '50533.83' | '155022.29' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-11' | SalesCost |
| L7633 | '42731.83' | '122845.71' | Entered Value Changed. | '8353-US FOODS' | 2 | '2019-12' | SalesCost |
--Spreadsheet Compare results written into SQL Update with NOTEPADD++--
USE TestingDb
--Create backup of data
insert into OperatingPlan_bak_20181001_1450 select * from OperatingPlan
--Restore backup of data
delete from OperatingPlan
insert into OperatingPlan select * from OperatingPlan_bak_20181001_1450
-- (#1) Create TempTbl for storing the new values
@updateOperatingPlan_NetSales as table(
-- [ProductCode] [nvarchar](12) NOT NULL
-- ,[Concept] [nvarchar](40) NOT NULL
[DivisionKey] [int] NOT NULL
-- ,[PlanYear] [int] NOT NULL
-- ,[PlanVersion] [int] NOT NULL
-- ,[Year] [int] NOT NULL
-- ,[Period] [nvarchar](6) NOT NULL
,[PlanDimensionKey] [nvarchar](62) NOT NULL
,[PeriodKey] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL
-- ,[Volume] [numeric](18, 2) NULL
,[NetSales_new] [numeric](18, 2) NULL
-- ,[SalesCost_new] [numeric](18, 2) NULL
-- ,[GrossMargin_new] [numeric](18, 2) NULL
@updateOperatingPlan_SalesCost as table(
[DivisionKey] [int] NOT NULL
,[PlanDimensionKey] [nvarchar](62) NOT NULL
,[PeriodKey] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL
,[SalesCost_new] [numeric](18, 2) NULL
@updateOperatingPlan_GrossMargin as table(
[GrossMargin_new] [numeric](18, 2) NULL
,[DivisionKey] [int] NOT NULL
,[PlanDimensionKey] [nvarchar](62) NOT NULL
,[PeriodKey] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL
-- (#2) Insert the new data records into TEMP TABLE
INSERT INTO @updateOperatingPlan_NetSales(
VALUES --copied from NOTEPAD++ (text) Spreadsheet Compare 2013 (table)
('105627.74', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-01')
,('133624.49', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-02')
,('76481.8', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-03')
,('76563.55', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-04')
,('92416.79', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-05')
,('91324.19', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-06')
,('100132.53', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-07')
,('136506.1', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-08')
,('115062.45', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-09')
,('121164.3', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-10')
,('135402.20000000001', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-11')
,('107210.08', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-12')
,('105627.74', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-01')
,('133624.49', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-02')
,('76481.8', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-03')
,('76563.55', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-04')
,('92416.79', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-05')
,('91324.19', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-06')
,('100132.53', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-07')
,('136506.1', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-08')
,('115062.45', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-09')
,('121164.3', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-10')
,('135402.20000000001', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-11')
,('107210.08', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-12')
,('35923.31', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-01')
,('53496.21', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-02')
,('38034.83', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-03')
,('37044.410000000003', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-04')
,('46855.07', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-05')
,('43004.52', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-06')
,('45897.82', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-07')
,('52093.120000000003', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-08')
,('41391.46', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-09')
,('42194.02', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-10')
,('48761.78', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-11')
,('42905.64', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-12')
INSERT INTO @updateOperatingPlan_SalesCost(
VALUES --copied from NOTEPAD++ (text) Spreadsheet Compare 2013 (table)
('108676.8', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-01')
,('142074.69', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-02')
,('85073.74', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-03')
,('86439.09', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-04')
,('101436.04', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-05')
,('96085.38', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-06')
,('104244.97', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-07')
,('134166.29', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-08')
,('110776.14', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-09')
,('116436.68', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-10')
,('139488.53', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-11')
,('106055.85', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-12')
,('108676.8', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-01')
,('142074.69', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-02')
,('85073.74', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-03')
,('86439.09', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-04')
,('101436.04', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-05')
,('96085.38', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-06')
,('104244.97', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-07')
,('134166.29', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-08')
,('110776.14', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-09')
,('116436.68', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-10')
,('139488.53', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-11')
,('106055.85', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-12')
,('37095.74', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-01')
,('57068.24', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-02')
,('42449.3', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-03')
,('42025.86', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-04')
,('51727.27', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-05')
,('45501.57', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-06')
,('48026.35', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-07')
,('51493.51', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-08')
,('40102.230000000003', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-09')
,('40849.61', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-10')
,('50533.83', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-11')
,('42731.83', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-12')
INSERT INTO @updateOperatingPlan_GrossMargin(
VALUES --copied from NOTEPAD++ (text) Spreadsheet Compare 2013 (table)
('-3049.05', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-01')
,('-8450.2000000000007', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-02')
,('-8591.94', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-03')
,('-9875.5400000000009', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-04')
,('-9019.25', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-05')
,('-4761.1899999999996', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-06')
,('-4112.4399999999996', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-07')
,('2339.8000000000002', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-08')
,('4286.3100000000004', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-09')
,('4727.63', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-10')
,('-4086.33', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-11')
,('1154.23', '8351-US FOODS', 1, '2019-12')
,('-3049.05', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-01')
,('-8450.2000000000007', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-02')
,('-8591.94', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-03')
,('-9875.5400000000009', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-04')
,('-9019.25', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-05')
,('-4761.1899999999996', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-06')
,('-4112.4399999999996', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-07')
,('2339.8000000000002', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-08')
,('4286.3100000000004', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-09')
,('4727.63', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-10')
,('-4086.33', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-11')
,('1154.23', '8351-US FOODS', 2, '2019-12')
,('-1172.43', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-01')
,('-3572.03', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-02')
,('-4414.4799999999996', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-03')
,('-4981.45', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-04')
,('-4872.2', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-05')
,('-2497.0500000000002', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-06')
,('-2128.5300000000002', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-07')
,('599.6', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-08')
,('1289.23', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-09')
,('1344.41', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-10')
,('-1772.05', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-11')
,('173.8', '8352-US FOODS', 1, '2019-12')
;WITH cteOperatingPlanUpdates as
@updateOperatingPlan_NetSales t1
LEFT OUTER JOIN @updateOperatingPlan_SalesCost t2
ON t1.PlanDimensionKey = t2.PlanDimensionKey
AND t1.DivisionKey = t2.DivisionKey
AND t1.PeriodKey = t2.PeriodKey
LEFT OUTER JOIN @updateOperatingPlan_GrossMargin t3
ON t1.PlanDimensionKey = t3.PlanDimensionKey
AND t1.DivisionKey = t3.DivisionKey
AND t1.PeriodKey = t3.PeriodKey
--select * from cteOperatingPlanUpdates
-- (#3) Update TargetTbl values with TempTbl values
UPDATE [dbo].[OperatingPlan]
[NetSales] = source.NetSales_new
,[SalesCost] = source.SalesCost_new
,[GrossMargin] = source.GrossMargin_new
FROM cteOperatingPlanUpdates source
OperatingPlan.[PlanDimensionKey] = source.PlanDimensionKey
AND OperatingPlan.[DivisionKey] = source.DivisionKey
AND OperatingPlan.[PeriodKey] = source.PeriodKey
SELECT * INTO tmpTable1 FROM myViewV1
andSELECT * INTO tmpTable2 FROM myViewV2
which does not work due to the limitations of the data compare tool). So - is there a practical way to do this? (Note this only works if you create a PK later asSELECT * INTO
does not do that.) – Gillis