Use localStorage to store a timestamp for the last known activity event in any tab running your app. Poll that value every few seconds in every instance of your app that is running. If it has been updated, reset the ng-idle timer to avoid premature logout (or whatever action you have set to occur when the $idleTimeout event is broadcast).
How To
Create a directive to embody the behavior described above:
.directive('idle', function($idle, $timeout, $interval){
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
var timeout;
var timestamp = localStorage.lastEventTime;
// Watch for the events set in ng-idle's options
// If any of them fire (considering 500ms debounce), update localStorage.lastEventTime with a current timestamp
elem.on($idle._options().events, function(){
if (timeout) { $timeout.cancel(timeout); }
timeout = $timeout(function(){
localStorage.setItem('lastEventTime', new Date().getTime());
}, 500);
// Every 5s, poll localStorage.lastEventTime to see if its value is greater than the timestamp set for the last known event
// If it is, reset the ng-idle timer and update the last known event timestamp to the value found in localStorage
$interval(function() {
if (localStorage.lastEventTime > timestamp) {
timestamp = localStorage.lastEventTime;
}, 5000);
Add the directive attribute to the body tag to ensure that all mouse and keyboard events within the page are detected:
<body ng-app="myApp" idle>
Open up and run this Plunk in multiple tabs along with a console for each. Move your mouse cursor over the body content and watch the events logged to both consoles.