I have an arc and currently the dots that belong to that arc use d3.layout.pack() to place them, this however only places the dots in the arc in a circle obviously.
Is there a way that I could place the dots in an arc to use the whole space of an arc (currently it just clusters the points in the center of the arc in a circle)
I tried messing with the padding but obviously its not what i needed as it can push the dots out of the bounds of an arc
Thanks Mark
EDIT - Code The code is just standard layout pack code. I am trying to see if there is a way i can "pack" the dots in an arc.
var pack = d3.layout.pack()
.size([_config.RingWidth, _config.RingWidth])//config.RingWidth is the width of the arc
.value(function (d) {
return 1 * Math.random();//the dots are all the same size
The dots are then processed and the pack is used
dots2 = new Array();
for (var clusterNum = 0; clusterNum < _hierarchy.Dots.dotsArray.length; clusterNum++) {
dots2[clusterNum] = svg.selectAll(".node" + clusterNum)
.filter(function (d) {
return !d.children;
The top image is how it currently functions and the bottom is how I want it to function. As you can see in large arcs it looks strange that it cannot use all the arc, but i am lost on how I could achieve this (i tried padding the pack but then it goes outside the boundaries of the arc).