Is there a way to perform conditional logic while parsing json using Scala/Play?
For example, I would like to do something like the following:
implicit val playlistItemInfo: Reads[PlaylistItemInfo] = (
(if(( (JsPath \ "type1").readNullable[String]) != null){ (JsPath \ "type1" \ "id").read[String]} else {(JsPath \ "type2" \ "id").read[String]}) and
(JsPath \ "name").readNullable[String]
)(PlaylistItemInfo.apply _)
In my hypothetical JSON parsing example, there are two possible ways to parse the JSON. If the item is of "type1", then there will be a value for "type1" in the JSON. If this is not present in the JSON or its value is null/empty, then I would like to read the JSON node "type2" instead.
The above example does not work, but it gives you the idea of what I am trying to do.
Is this possible?