Here is a simple C program that will maintain a circular buffer between pipe in and out. Use like in | buffer_program | out
. Error checking omitted. Robustness not guaranteed. Gives the general idea.
Test script (but actually since its circular buffer the data your piping in needs to be such that its coherent taking just any chunk in the stream. Or just make the buffer bigger than the data):
cat some.wav | ./circular_buffer 100000 | (sleep 1 && aplay)
* This program simply maintains a circular buffer of a given size indefinitely.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h> /* C99 only */
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int c_read(int fd, char * buf, unsigned int size, unsigned int * head_in, unsigned int * tail_in);
int c_write(int fd, char * buf, unsigned int size, unsigned int * head_in, unsigned int * tail_in);
bool empty_buf(unsigned int head, unsigned int tail);
bool setblock(int fd, bool block);
#define FD_SET_SET(set, fd, max) FD_SET(fd, &set); max = ((fd > max) ? fd : max);
#define FD_SET_UNSET(set, fd, max) FD_CLR(fd, &set); max = ((fd == max) ? max - 1 : max); //not ideal. Do while ISFDSET...
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char * buf;
unsigned int buf_size = 0;
unsigned int buf_head = 0;
unsigned int buf_tail = 0;
// Check args.
if(argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <buffer size in bytes>\n", __FILE__);
sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &buf_size);
buf_size = ( buf_size < 2 ) ? 2 : buf_size;
// Note the usable buffer space is buf_size-1.
fprintf(stderr, "Allocating %d\n", buf_size);
buf = (char*)malloc(buf_size);
bool done_reading = false;
int maxfd = 0;
fd_set r_set, w_set, r_tempset, w_tempset;
setblock(STDIN_FILENO, false);
setblock(STDOUT_FILENO, false);
FD_SET_SET(r_tempset, STDIN_FILENO, maxfd);
FD_SET_SET(w_tempset, STDOUT_FILENO, maxfd);
r_set = r_tempset;
while(true) {
select((maxfd + 1), &r_set, &w_set, NULL, NULL);
if(FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &r_set)) {
int c = c_read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, buf_size, &buf_head, &buf_tail);
if(c == -1) { // EOF, disable select on the input.
fprintf(stderr, "No more bytes to read\n");
done_reading = true;
if(!done_reading) {
r_set = r_tempset;
c_write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, buf_size, &buf_head, &buf_tail);
if(!empty_buf(buf_head, buf_tail)) { // Enable select on write whenever there is bytes.
w_set = w_tempset;
else {
if(done_reading) { // Finish.
fprintf(stderr, "No more bytes to write\n");
return 0;
bool empty_buf(unsigned int head, unsigned int tail) {
return head == tail;
* Keep reading until we can read no more. Keep on pushing the tail forward as we overflow.
* Expects fd to be non blocking.
* @returns number of byte read, 0 on non stopping error, or -1 on error or EOF.
int c_read(int fd, char * buf, unsigned int size, unsigned int * head_in, unsigned int * tail_in) {
fprintf(stderr, "In c_read()\n");
unsigned int head = *head_in;
unsigned int tail = *tail_in;
bool more_bytes = true;
int n = 0;
int c = 0;
while(more_bytes) {
bool in_front = tail > head;
fprintf(stderr, "Read %d %d %d\n", size, head, tail);
n = read(fd, buf+head, size - head);
if(n == -1) {
more_bytes = false;
if(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR) { // Not EOF but the read would block.
c = 0;
else {
c = -1;
else if(n == 0) { // EOF. No more bytes possible.
more_bytes = false;
c = -1;
else if(n != (size - head)) { // if not full read adjust pointers and break.
more_bytes = false;
c += n;
head = (head+n)%size;
if(in_front && (head >= tail || head == 0)) {
tail = (head+1)%size;
else {
c = 0;
head = 0;
tail = (tail == 0) ? 1 : tail;
*head_in = head;
*tail_in = tail;
return c;
* Try flush the buffer to fd. fd should be non blocking.
int c_write(int fd, char * buf, unsigned int size, unsigned int * head_in, unsigned int * tail_in) {
fprintf(stderr, "In c_write()\n");
unsigned int head = *head_in;
unsigned int tail = *tail_in;
int n = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Write %d %d %d\n", size, head, tail);
if(tail < head) {
n = write(fd, buf+tail, head-tail);
tail += n;
else if(head < tail) {
n = write(fd, buf+tail, size-tail);
if(n == size-tail) {
n = write(fd, buf, head);
tail = n;
*head_in = head;
*tail_in = tail;
return n;
bool setblock(int fd, bool block)
int flags;
flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
if (block)
flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags);
return true;
in | buffer-me 5s | out
? Such a script would be fairly trivial to write, if perhaps in a naive way. Of course it would be more efficient to do it in the existing sink or source. – Narrowminded