I have a problem how to await async methods in WPF life-cycle methods (with Caliburn-Micro framework) (eg. OnActivate, OnInitialized, OnExit - which is bound directly to Application.Exit event)
This article exactly describes my problem: http://mark.mymonster.nl/2013/07/10/donrsquot-make-your-application-lifetime-events-async-void (now I am thinking of using the solution from this article, but seems like a bit overkill for the first look)
I need to await some async methods in my OnExit hanlder so I have it as async. And it works. Kind of. I do not understand why??, but on calling Application.Exit event it somehow waits until the method is completed, even if the handler is async void. Can you explain please how this is possible? And is this safe? Or is it just coicidence? Async void should be used only for Top-Level events, is this that case?
I looked in the code of System. And the binding looks like this:
public event EventHandler Exit
this.AddEventListener(DependencyProperty.RegisterCoreProperty(20053U, (Type) null), (Delegate) value);
this.RemoveEventListener(DependencyProperty.RegisterCoreProperty(20053U, (Type) null), (Delegate) value);
which is really cryptic and I cannot see what really happens in .net framework by calling this event.
What is as well strange, that calling await Task.Delay(1) in the handler causes DeadLock when I do not use ConfigureAwait(false). So I would say there is somewhere .Wait() used deep in .net code.
Note: when I make OnActivate, OnInitialized handlers async, as expected, page is not waiting till handler completes.
Thx for your answeres!