I'm trying to create a simple WTForms-based admin interface for an SQLAlchemy app, using Jinja2 templates.
I've read the docs of WTForms-Alchemy and I understand that it can auto-generate a form from my model just via a few lines of code, like:
class UserForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = User
My problem is that even though I have this form auto-generated, I found no resource anywhere about how can I make it into a functional HTML page. There are a few snippets about rendering errors for fields, as well as some SO answers mentioning macros for rendering whole fields, but I found absolutely no resource about how to generate a full, functional form automatically.
// I understand that this is something what Flask-Admin might do already, I'm not using Flask so this is not a possibility unfortunately.
{% if field.type != 'CSRFTokenField' %}...{% endif %}
working so far. – Arcadian