I'm running experiments with different jvm options on java 8 in order to lower RSS:
Script used for Rss tracking:
ps -o rss -o vsz -o pid $pid
JVM args for setting up java process:
-XX:+PrintNMTStatistics -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=detail
Taking baseline with jcmd:
jcmd $pid VM.native_memory baseline
Taking diff with jcmd:
jcmd $pid VM.native_memory summary.diff
Output (partial for Thread area):
- Thread (reserved=130696KB -21564KB, committed=130696KB -21564KB)
(thread #121 -21)
(stack: reserved=130048KB -21504KB, committed=130048KB -21504KB)
(malloc=379KB -67KB #610 -105)
(arena=268KB +7 #240 -42)
What memory will be taken into account for RSS from output above, is it committed
or reserved