The best way to import third-party dependencies is via dependency managers: CocoaPods/Carthage/SPM, you will be able to update a lib without headache.
1. CocoaPods [Offical Guide]
This is by far the easiest way to go...
Open terminal
Install CocoaPods (type in terminal):
sudo gem install cocoapods
Sudo means "super user do", it will require your password. Enter when requested.
Next, you need to setup the cocoapods master repo. Type in terminal:
pod setup --verbose // verbose option logs the setup progress
then create a pod file in your project directory (you can type "cd " and drag the project folder to the terminal window if your not comfortable with writing the path):
cd User/Projects/YourProject // make way to your project dir
pod init
then inside the Podfile (find it in project directory) insert:
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'YouAppTarget' do
pod 'CSVImporter', '~> 1.7'
(Uncomment platform :ios, '8.0' Uncomment user_frameworks! if you're using Swift)
Run (while in your project dir):
pod install
Xcode .xcworkspace file will be generated, thats it, you can open it and use the framework ;]
later on you can update lib with:
pod update
2. Carthage [Offical Guide]
Steps to install a framework via Carthage are pretty similar to CocoaPods, follow the 'Offical Guide' link to see what's the differences are.
A downside about this dependency manager is that not all libs are available. Some are only available for CocoaPods, but majority of new ones are supporting Carthage.
P.S. Here's a good article on the differences.
3. Swift Package Manager [Offical Overview/Guide]
SPM is a native dependency manager, it's cross-platform, officaly-supported by Apple, decentralized and open-source.
It was planned as a replacement for CocoaPods and Carthage so I'd give it a try too.
carthage update
command in terminal – Upstream