So i am trying to start a react native android project in windows 10 based on the Getting Start React Native. I am stuck at the last step->react-native run-android
ps: Im using genymotion for my android emulator marshmallow 6.0
So i am trying to start a react native android project in windows 10 based on the Getting Start React Native. I am stuck at the last step->react-native run-android
ps: Im using genymotion for my android emulator marshmallow 6.0
Got it,
Add the file location to environment variable PATH
gradle -v
command works well, as I have added Gradle installation path to environment variable. I'm using Win 10. –
Spoonerism Another version of the @Kai Jie findings, that works for me.
Compiling previous answers I did the following to get Android SDK and gradle working (You need gradle working anyway to compile your Android project):
Prerequisites. You have gradle installed in the folders like I found on my computer. Please, check it:
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-X.X\
Set a new system variable (Control Panel\System and Security\System Advance system ->settings->environment variables-system variables). Do not forget to change a gradle version.
GRADLE_HOME C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-X.X\
Add the following path to system paths (Control Panel\System and Security\System Advance system ->settings->environment variables-system variables):
You might want to REBOOT your computer, to make sure, that the system sees the variables.
Check if gradle works properly with the terminal commands
$ gradle -v
directory in my tools/
directory. I have tried the other solution (of adding gradle
installation path) but have no success. I am missing gradlew.bat
. The gradle -v
command works though. –
Spoonerism If the environment variables are set. I found that you need to actually start gradle. Then you can use the gradlew command.
If you are learning from Their site says to just run
./gradlew build && java -jar build/libs/gs-spring-boot-0.1.0.jar
That will fail unless you first run
Intellij had me in the correct directory so I just deleted
and run
gradlew build && java -jar build/libs/gs-spring-boot-0.1.0.jar
The app started right up.
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:: Spring Boot :: (v2.1.6.RELEASE)
if your gradlew.bat file is being generated but delete itself after a few second than it's a problem of your android studio . steps to follow : 1 . open your android studio and click on configure. 2. Go to setting there. 3.Click on Build,Execution,Deployment => Build Tools => Gradle. 4. check Gradle user home if it's pointing to .gradle file location or not .If it's not than give the correct path of .gradle file like this in my case C:/Users/Your_PC_Name/.gradle . 5. And than create new reactproject.
You probably have to do something like:
./gradlew assembleDebug
Add code below to the bottom of build.gradle file
task createWrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '4.9'
then run gradle createWrapper
in terminal
This will generate gradlew.bat file and corrospondinf gradlew files
in my case, I had a & sign in the name of the folder that I had put in the flutter project. removing it solved the problem for me.
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directory in mytools/
directory. I have tried the other solution (of addinggradle
installation path) but have no success. I am missinggradlew.bat
– Spoonerism