In Rails 5.1 system tests the driver used is set by the driven_by
call in ApplicationSystemTestCase (test/application_system_test_case.rb). Assuming you have registered your capybara-webkit driver as 'webkit' you should be able to do
driven_by :webkit
Another potential option if you use Chrome 59+ on linux/mac is to use headless chrome
Capybara.register_driver :headless_chrome do |app|, :browser => :chrome, :args => ['headless'])
and then in your test case class
driven_by :headless_chrome
That gives you a headless version of chrome so none of the issues of capybara-webkit/poltergeist not supporting current web standards. Unfortunately currently chromedriver has issues with JS system modals (alert, confirm, prompt - workaround in capybara master branch) and hangs if you attempt to close windows during your tests. Hopefully those 2 issues will be fixed soon.
Also note that rails 5.1 should have removed the need for database_cleaner for most peoples testing since it already handles sharing of a single database connection between multiple threads in test mode.