I have an API that returns this JSON response
"message": "Staff name and password pair not match",
"errors": {
"resource": "Login",
"field": "staff_authentication",
"code": "invalid",
"stack_trace": null
Using pytest, I want to build a copy of the JSON object and make sure it is exactly the same
import pytest
import json
from collections import namedtuple
from flask import url_for
from myapp import create_app
class TestAuth:
def test_login(self, client):
assert client.get(url_for('stafflogin')).status_code == 405
res = self._login(client, 'no_such_user', '123456')
assert res.status_code == 422
response_object = self._json2obj(res.data)
assert response_object.message == 'Staff name and password pair not match'
invalid_password_json = dict(message="Staff name and password pair not match",
assert self._ordered(response_object) == self._ordered(invalid_password_json)
def _login(self, client, staff_name, staff_password):
return client.post('/login',
data=json.dumps(dict(staff_name=staff_name, staff_password=staff_password)),
def _json_object_hook(self, d): return namedtuple('X', d.keys())(*d.values())
def _json2obj(self, data): return json.loads(data, object_hook=self._json_object_hook)
def _ordered(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return sorted((k, self._ordered(v)) for k, v in obj.items())
if isinstance(obj, list):
return sorted(self._ordered(x) for x in obj)
return obj
shows that the 2 objects are unequal.
> assert self._ordered(response_object) == self._ordered(invalid_password_json)
E AssertionError: assert X(message='St...k_trace=None)) == [('errors', [(...r not match')]
E At index 0 diff: 'Staff name and password pair not match' != ('errors', [('code', 'invalid'), ('field', 'staff_authentication'), ('resource', 'Login'), ('stack_trace', None)])
E Full diff:
E - X(message='Staff name and password pair not match', errors=X(resource='Login', field='staff_authentication', code='invalid', stack_trace=None))
E + [('errors',
E + [('code', 'invalid'),
E + ('field', 'staff_authentication'),
E + ('resource', 'Login'),
E + ('stack_trace', None)]),
E + ('message', 'Staff name and password pair not match')]
tests/test_app.py:31: AssertionError
=========================== 1 failed in 0.22 seconds ===========================
How do I make the newly created JSON object to the same as the response?
necessary? Even when I jumble up the keys, the comparison is still correct. – Overdye