Fair warning: I have no idea what I'm doing, so even the asking of this question may go awry.
I'm wanting to update state on a simple object (the Aggregate) and then provide the UI with a projection of the changed object. Here's my aggregate object (command handler exists, but not shown here).
public class Widget {
private String id;
private String color;
public void on(ChangeColorEvt evt) {
color = evt.getColor();
...and here is my projection:
public class WidgetProjection {
private final EntityManager entityManager;
private final QueryUpdateEmitter queryUpdateEmitter;
public void on(ChangeColorEvt evt) {
ProjectedWidget projection = entityManager.find(ProjectedWidget.class, evt.getId());
queryUpdateEmitter.emit(FetchWidget.class, query -> evt.getId().startsWith(query.getFilter().getIdStartsWith()), projection);
The QueryHandler does what you would expect, finding the instance and returning it.
So here are my questions:
- Why do I need the EventSourcingHandler in the Aggregate? That is, it appears to do work, but the result isn't stored or sent anywhere.
- So, that becomes my next question: After executing the EventSourcing Handler, is the resulting instance of Widget (not the projection) stored, seen, or sent anywhere?
- If EventSourcingHandler is indeed needed, is there any way to avoid having two independent copies of my business logic (one in EventSourcingHandler, and one EventHandler)? I really hate the idea of having to update the same business logic in two places.
I appreciate any clarity the group can provide. Thanks for your help!