I am very glad that Google released ViewPager2 which is built on RecyclerView to solve a lot of issues that the old ViewPager has.
I quickly replaced my old ViewPager codes to ViewPager2:
Replace ViewPager with ViewPager2 in xml
ViewPager setup is as below:
viewPager.adapter = fragmentAdapter val mediator = TabLayoutMediator(tabLayout, viewPager, true) { tab, position -> tab.text = fragmentAdapter.tabNames[position] } mediator.attach()
No other changes have been made.
The problem
After performing the above change, I realized a problem -
Now my ViewPager is an ordinary horizontal pager, and each fragment in my fragmentAdapter
has a vertical RecyclerView
I observed that when ever the scroll position of the RecyclerView is 0, my items in that RecyclerView cannot receive any click nor long click events, but it can be scrolled. Once it is scrolled, it can receive clicks again.*
Knowing that ViewPager2
is a RecyclerView
as well, is there something to do with nested RecyclerView?