I am experiencing something that is confusing me.
While working through problems in javascript on leetcode, I came across a solution that implemented a MaxPriorityQueue in the solution.
The posted solution was:
Finally, there's a Max/MinPriorityQueue for JavaScript!
add -> enqueue( )
remove -> dequeue( )
highest number (peek) -> front( )
.element -> actual value
var lastStoneWeight = function(stones) {
const m = new MaxPriorityQueue()
for(const w of stones) m.enqueue(w)
while(m.size() > 1){
const diff = m.dequeue().element - m.dequeue().element
if(diff > 0) m.enqueue(diff)
return m.size() === 0 ? 0 : m.front().element
I tried to implement this myself in my own environment and get:
const m = new MaxPriorityQueue();
ReferenceError: MaxPriorityQueue is not defined
at lastStoneWeight (C:\Users\steph\Desktop\coding-projects\learning-js\leetcode\last-stone-weight.js:55:13)
at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\steph\Desktop\coding-projects\learning-js\leetcode\last-stone-weight.js:66:13)
I went and plugged the same code into leetcode and it ran without a hitch.
I tried to find documentation on a MaxPriorityQueue object but anything using a MPQ was implemented from scratch.
If someone could shed a bit of light on why this will not run in my personal environment, (nodejs, VSCode), I would appreciate it.
in native JS. – Womanish