I have a formik form which needs to have 2 different validation schemas depending on what button the user uses to submit. I have seen some people say use state to decide which one but I want to avoid using state as it feels wrong in this case.
I have viewed Yup's documentation and it seems you can just validate using a schema directly and passing the values. This seems to work as I have shown in my example however the validation errors it returns are useless and I need to transform them to be able to use the Formik setErrors helper.
Yup validation as per documentation
let validationErrors = null;
try {
// Validate the form data using a custom Schema
await createDraftContractorFormValidationSchema.validate(values, { abortEarly: false, strict: false });
catch (errors: any) {
// What I essentially need here is a way to transform these errors
// into an object with the keys being the field that has errors and the message
if (errors) {
What gets logged
ValidationError: 4 errors occurred
at finishTestRun (runTests.js:54:1)
at runTests.js:8:1
at finishTestRun (runTests.js:54:1)
at runTests.js:8:1
at finishTestRun (runTests.js:54:1)
at createValidation.js:60:1