Is it possible to set up the realm URL, claim types, etc for azure ACS without editing the web.config? Can you set up these required elements programmatically somehow?
EDIT: Specifically I want to get rid of this:
<wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true" issuer="" realm="http://localhost:81/" requireHttps="false" />
Basically, I don't want the realm being specified in the web config, but rather in code somewhere. I've tried overriding ClaimsAuthenticationManager and commenting out the portions to the code related to FederatedAuthentication. My overridden authenticate code is hit, but it doesn't contain any claims. I'm assuming that this is because FederatedAuthentication is an intermediary which performs its own authentication before it gets to the overridden ClaimsAuthenticationManager normally. Is there a way to override the FederatedAuthentication portion in a similar manner? Or is there information passed into the overridden authenticate method that I can use to perform my own authentication?