I have an application where users can link their Facebook accounts. They can log in using their email, but they can link their Facebook account.
In the view where I show the linked social networks (Facebook and others), I have something like this:
<%= image_tag @facebook.get_facebook_picture %>
This will call an instance method like this:
def get_facebook_picture
unless self.token.nil?
facebook_graph = Koala::Facebook::GraphAPI.new(self.token)
fb_picture = facebook_graph.get_picture("me", { :type => "small" })
This will work well unless the Facebook token that I have stored in my DB is expired. So I have added this exception handler in the mentioned controller:
def facebook_exception_handler exception
if exception.fb_error_type.eql? 'OAuthException'
# Let's get a new auth token... How?
logger.debug "Damn it. We don't know what error is coming from FB"
raise exception
I catch the exception correctly, but I fail to see how would I renew the access token that I have in my database. Notice that the access token that I have has been inserted using OmniAuth. So my question is:
Given that I have an OAuthException
, how can I renew the access token of a particular user (UID) using Omniauth?
profile_pic = Koala::Facebook::GraphAPI.new.get_picture(fb_uid, {:type => "large"})
, right? – Dowie