In order to store the state of processes when an error occured, I would like to list all (custom) data stored in AppDomain (by SetData). The LocalStore property is private and AppDomain class not inheritable. Is there any way to enumerate those data ?
List all custom data stored in AppDomain
why do not just store all keys information (previously set with SetData) in some collection and after query GetData fro every key in that collection ? –
I was looking for a solution, where the process doesn't need to use a specific implementation. Since I don't think it's possible, extension method for AppDomain which is storing keys passed. Tks for your reply. If you have another clue, don't hesitate. –
AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
domain.SetData("testKey", "testValue");
FieldInfo[] fieldInfoArr = domain.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fieldInfoArr)
if (string.Compare(fieldInfo.Name, "_LocalStore", true) != 0)
Object value = fieldInfo.GetValue(domain);
if (!(value is Dictionary<string,object[]>))
Dictionary<string, object[]> localStore = (Dictionary<string, object[]>)value;
foreach (var item in localStore)
Object[] values = (Object[])item.Value;
foreach (var val in values)
if (val == null)
Console.WriteLine(item.Key + " " + val.ToString());
Based on Frank59's answer but a bit more concise:
var appDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
var flags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
var fieldInfo = appDomain.GetType().GetField("_LocalStore", flags);
if (fieldInfo == null)
var localStore = fieldInfo.GetValue(appDomain) as Dictionary<string, object[]>;
if (localStore == null)
foreach (var key in localStore.Keys)
var nonNullValues = localStore[key].Where(v => v != null);
Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + string.Join(", ", nonNullValues));
Same solution, but as an F# extension method. May not need the null check.
type AppDomain with
member x.LocalStore
with get() =
let f = x.GetType().GetField("_LocalStore", BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Instance)
if f = null then Dictionary<string, obj[]>()
else f.GetValue x :?> Dictionary<string, obj[]>
let printAppDomainObjectCache() =
for KeyValue(k,v) in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.LocalStore do
printfn "%s" k
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