I am linking to the jQuery Mobile stylesheet on a CDN and would like to fall back to my local version of the stylesheet if the CDN fails. For scripts the solution is well known:
<!-- Load jQuery and jQuery mobile with fall back to local server -->
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.3.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='jquery-1.6.3.min.js'%3E"));
I would like to do something similar for a style sheet:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.0b3/jquery.mobile-1.0b3.min.css" />
I am not sure if a similar approach can be achieved because I am not sure whether the browser blocks in the same way when linking a script as it does when loading a script (maybe it is possible to load a stylesheet in a script tag and then inject it into the page) ?
So my question is: How do I ensure a stylesheet is loaded locally if a CDN fails ?