This is a challenge as well as a question:
I have a folder of data files. I want the following list of lists of information:
Filename: Created: Last modified:
Information =
[datafile1, Mon Mar 04 10:45:24 2013, Tue Mar 05 12:05:09 2013],
[datafile2, Mon Mar 04 11:23:02 2013, Tue Apr 09 10:57:55 2013],
[datafile2.1, Mon Mar 04 11:37:21 2013, Tue Apr 02 15:35:58 2013],
[datafile3, Mon Mar 04 15:36:13 2013, Thu Apr 18 15:03:25 2013],
[datafile4, Mon Mar 11 09:20:08 2013, Mon May 13 16:30:59 2013]
I can sort it myself after I have the Information. Can someone write the function:
def get_information(directory):
return Information
These posts are useful:
1) How do you get a directory listing sorted by creation date in python?
3) How to get file creation & modification date/times in Python?
4) Python: sort files by datetime in more details
6) How do I get the modified date/time of a file in Python?
However: I feel there must exist a better, more re-usable solution which works on windows, and linux.