I've been trying to figure this out all day, and it's driving me crazy.
I have two rails apps, ServerApp and ClientApp. ClientApp gets data from ServerApp through an API, using the Her gem. Everything was great until I needed pagination information.
This is the method I am using to get the orders (this uses kamainari for pagination and ransack for search):
# ServerApp
def search
@search = Order.includes(:documents, :client).order('id desc').search(params[:q])
@orders = @search.result(distinct: true).page(params[:page]).per(params[:per])
respond_with @orders.as_json(include: :documents)
It returns an array of hashes in json, which Her uses as a collection of orders. That works fine.
# Response
"client_id": 239,
"created_at": "2013-05-15T15:37:03-07:00",
"id": 2422,
"ordered_at": "2013-05-15T15:37:03-07:00",
"origin": "online",
"updated_at": "2013-05-15T15:37:03-07:00",
"documents": [
{ ... }
But I needed pagination information. It looked like I needed to send it as metadata with my json. So I change my response to this:
respond_to do |format|
format.json do
render json: { orders: @orders.as_json(include: :documents), metadata: 'sent' }
This does indeed send over metadata, so in my ClientApp I can write @orders.metadata and get 'sent'. But now my orders are nested in an array inside of 'orders', so I need to use @orders.orders, and then it treats it like an array instead of a Her collection.
After doing some reading, it seemed sending pagination info through headers was the way a lot of other people did this (I was able to get the headers set up in an after_filter using this guide). But I am even more lost on how to get those response headers in my ClientApp - I believe I need a Faraday Middleware but I just am having no luck getting this to work.
If anyone knows how I can just get this done, I would be very grateful. I can't take another day of banging my head against the wall on this, but I feel like I am just one vital piece of info away from solving this!