I am using the Google Feed JSAPI to read/parse a feed. The problem is, when the feed changes, the previous entries become invalid (links and images don't work) so I cannot load a cached version of the feed. I thought there would be an option when loading the feed to not use the cached version but I don't see one. My solution is to do add in a variable (t) to the end of the feed url so it is "unique" but this seems hacky (but it works). Anyone know of a better way to do it?
function onLoad() {
// Create a feed instance that will grab feed feed.
var feed = new google.feeds.Feed(feedLocation+"&t="+new Date().getTime());
// Request the results in XML (so that we can parse out all the info
//must set this - if you don't, it defaults to 4
// Calling load sends the request off. It requires a callback function.
'?bypass_cache=' + Math.floor(Date.now() / refreshIntervalInMs)
– Modillion