I registered my app on Spotify. I made sure I had the URI added to my registered app. But still every time I run this code I keep getting the same error. I am also running this in the background so I know it's not that. What am I doing wrong?
Also I tried switching /spotify
with /provider_cb
var client_id = '<my_client_id>';
var redirectUri = chrome.identity.getRedirectURL() + "/spotify";
"url": "https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize?client_id="+client_id+
"&redirect_uri="+ encodeURIComponent(redirectUri) +
'interactive': true,
function(redirect_url) {
Here are my permissions:
"permissions": [
"http://*/*", "tabs", "webNavigation", "activeTab", "storage", "identity",
"declarativeContent", "https://accounts.spotify.com/*",
On the first time I run my app after restarting Chrome, the sign-in page pops up like everything is fine, but after I log in I still get the same error:
identity.launchWebAuthFlow: Authorization page could not be loaded.
from the permission URL so it's"https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize*"
. – Roshan"/spotify"
? You may want to try without. Moreover,chrome.identity.getRedirectURL()
returns something like hmjkmjkepdijhoojdojkdfohbdgmmhki.chromiumapp.org so you might have an issue with double slashes there. – Gley