The http.Client is a struct not an interface which makes mocking it difficult as you have seen. An alternative way of mocking it is passing in the external dependencies that a routine needs, so instead of directly using client.Get, you use clientGet - which is a function pointer that was handed into the routine.
From the unit test you can then create :
mockClientGet(c *http.client, url string) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
// add the test code to return what you want it to.
Then in your main code use:
resp, err := clientGet(client, fmt.Sprintf("https://www.xxxxx/day?time=%s", time))
When calling the procedure normally, use the function pointer to http.Client.Get, and for your test pass in a pointer to your mock. It's not ideal, but I've not seen a nicer way around mocking non-interface external calls - and given its an external dependency, injecting it from the outside is not a bad thing.