I'm working in an Angular6 app with angularfire2. I'm setting the roles as custom claims in user creation, but it doesn't seem to propagate.
When I'm creating the user I send the userid, businessid and role to a cloud function:
bid > businessid
urole > role
req.body.uid > userid
const customClaims = {
roles: { [bid]: urole }
admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(req.body.uid, customClaims)
.then(result => {
The problem is when the call to cloud function finishes and I want to redirect the user to a route which requires the user to have the custom claim set, but it fails. After some debugging, I've found out that if run:
this.angularFireAuth.auth.currentUser.getIdTokenResult(true).then(result => {
return result.claims.roles
immediately after the call to the cloud function "result.claims.roles" is undefined, but if I refresh the page, "result.claims.roles" have the data I set before.
I've already tried the reload method, and getIdToken(true) but I'm getting the same problem.
Is there a way to avoid refreshing the page and get the custom claims?
Thank you!
. Also be sure to update your SDKs to the latest version, as rules for Cloud Firestore, Cloud Storage, and RTDB used to only updated when the uid changed, not when the token changed. – Yasuireturn this.http.post(
${this.environment.backendHostUrl}/api/user/role, { uid: userId, role: role, business: business }).pipe( catchError(error => of(console.log(error))) ).subscribe(response => { debugger <--- I get: response = "null" })
– Webbing