Converting without Software:
Here is a link to a well written article showing how to transfer data from FileMaker Pro using no software at all.
File Access Permissions:
It is possible to have FileMaker database files with no visible export capability. Within FileMaker, custom menus can be implemented to disable the export features. To resolve this type of issue, you need to log into the database using the Admin account password, having [Full Access] privileges. Then you can select the menu: Tools->Custom Menus->[FileMaker Standard FileMaker Menus]
Once you select this menu, all of the regular menus will be available.
FileMaker Binary File Format:
It is important to realize that the FileMaker database uses a proprietary binary file format to store its data. None of these files can be read on any Linux or UNIX operating system directly, since the file format has not been made public. I know of only one person outside of FileMaker Inc. who has successfully reverse engineered the modern version of the file format (.fp7, .fmp12 versions).
This means that to extract data from a FileMaker database, you must always have the FileMaker software running on MacOSX or Windows in order to extract the data. This is completely different from reading Access .mdb/.accdb files, for which open source alternatives are available.
ODBC vs File Exports:
There are some important limitations to exporting data from FileMaker to any non-native file format. There can be loss of UTF8 formatted data, truncation of data with some formats, and issues with repeating fields data. This is why I recommend making a direct connection to FileMaker via ODBC, and transferring the data directly to MySQL (or any other database you choose).
What are repeating fields?
A repeating field in FileMaker is similar to storing an array of data within a single field of a single record. I generally recommend separating out this data into related records, related by the the primary key of the parent record. The perl scripts linked above, accomplish this task. But you must prepare the data within FileMaker in advance. Since FileMaker no longer supports repeating fields via their ODBC driver, you need to create a script in FileMaker to move all of the repeat values into the first repeat value.
So if you have a field of repeating values like this:
You move the data into:
Then you can iterate thru the TAB delimited values within Field1[1] to write the data into the related table.