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SVN / Subversion 1.7 and Eclipse Subversive & JavaHL
I'm using Subversion with version 1.6.5 on the server. I use Subclipse (version 1.6) in STS as a client for certain tasks, but I more commonly use a 1.7.0 subversion command-line client.
Why 1.7 for the command-line client? No good reason.
So I made a branch with the command-line client, and now when I try to use Subclipse to "Update to HEAD", it tells me:
org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Unsupported working copy format
svn: The path 'C:\code\workspace\my_app' appears to be part of a Subversion 1.7 or greater working copy. Please upgrade your Subversion client to use this working copy.
What can I do to take make this project understandable to Subclipse? Presuming that I will not have the authority to bring everything up to date, is their a way to make this project acceptable to a 1.6 client without losing progress?
The command-line client I am using is in Cygwin.