Does anyone have any experience using the basic analytics services with the Flurry Analytics SDK?
I have two applications which I am testing this out with. Both are existing apps which I added the Flurry SDK to and set up to track basic events -- the apps were updated and went live in the app store about 16 hours ago. I know there have been users, I myself have used the updated version extensively.
The problem is that the Flurry dashboard shows no new users, no events tracked, nothing at all. The only information in my Flurry dashboard is 1 new user which was me testing the service one week again before I submitted to Apple.
I have the relevant files and library imported in my project for Flurry. In my AppDelegat.m didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method I have:
[FlurryAnalytics startSession:@"MY_APP_KEY"];
When I want to log events I am using:
[FlurryAnalytics logEvent:@"EVENT_NAME"];
Pretty standard stuff, but it doesn't seem to ever track it or update it. Anyone have any experience with this? How often does it update the web dashboard? Am I doing something totally wrong?