Okay, I did a lot of research on how to make this work perfectly.
So the best option is to create a set timeout for disabling a button onclick.
Now, the problem arise when there is a submit function running on the backend. Then the events become stacked in a queue and whenever the javascript "button.disabled == true"
is added to the onclick event, only the first action(i.e. disabling the button) gets triggered and not the submit action which is running in the backend (this backend submit function can comprise of anything such as $.ajax).
For disabling Single button on click :
function() { // I always create anonymous function to avoid polluting global space
var btn = document.getElementsByClassName("btn");
btn.onclick = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
backButton.disabled = true;
}, 0);
This code will disable your button and also would run the function on the queue. timeout = 0 actually is used for firing subsequent backend tasks.
For disabling all btns in the screen :
(function() {
let i, element, list, o;
element = document.getElementsByClassName("classx");
if (element) {
element = element[0];
list = element.getElementsByTagName("button");
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
o = list[i];
o.onclick = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
let i;
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
list[i].disabled = true;
}, 0);
return true;
This would help you disable all of the buttons present in the page (just use it according to your usecase).
Also, this (disabled button) is a good use case for settimeout=0, functionality description as it will "defer" the call until the currently "stacked javascript events" are finished.
Thank you and hope this helps someone's in the future.