I work on my master thesis about inheritance problems and work out some indicators which show that an inheritance problem exist.
Like the following example:
public static String getAnimalNoise(Animal animal) {
if (animal instanceof Dog)
return "Woof";
if (animal instanceof Cat)
return "Miau";
return "";
The method returns the String "Woof"
if the given Animal instance is a Dog
and "Miau"
if it is a Cat
. The empty string because some animals make no noises at all.
So the correct solution for that should be use polymorphism with a getNoise
Method in the Animal class.
I have analysed different indicators of inheritance problems and want to say if some of them violates a SOLID Principle.
I thought the example above violates the:
- Single responsibility principle (SRP)
- Open/closed principle (OCP)
- Liskov substitution principle (LSP)
- Dependency inversion principle (DIP)
But i'm not really sure whether it is true for all.
I thought:
SRP Violation
Because conditional statements at all violates the SRP, because like the switch case statement or more than one if-else statement are consider more than one responsibility.
It exists two cases so there are more than one reason to change the method.
OCP Violation
Because if a new animal is added a new case must be added to the method so the Method is not close for modifications.
Each branch executes different actions dependent of the animal sub type. Which i think violates the LSP ?! I know the example of the rectangle and square and the getArea but these example i thought fits also to the violation.
The conditional statements take dependency that means the statements are dependent on details and not on abstractions which violates the DIP.
So the Question is, for the given example, are the given principles really violated and is the reasoning correct?