I am using lite server by John Papa with HTTP proxy middleware by chimurai as a dev server. the problem is with my session cookie, I cannot persist the session cookie that comes from the real server. I saw this solution: https://github.com/chimurai/http-proxy-middleware/issues/78
but I see no resemblance to my bs-config.js:
var proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware');
module.exports = {
port: 3003,
server: {
middleware: {
1: proxy('demo/webservice/jaxrs', {
target: 'https://localhost:8443',
secure: false, // disable SSL verification
changeOrigin: true // for vhosted sites, changes host header to match to target's host
2: require('connect-history-api-fallback')({index: '/index.html', verbose: true})
Does someone knows how to merge this two?
UPDATE: this is part of the response headers:
set-cookie:JSESSIONID=620083CD7AEB7A6CC5772AC800E673E3; Path=/appServer/webservice/jaxrs; Secure
strict-transport-security:max-age=31622400; includeSubDomains
UPDATE2: I think my config should look like this:
var proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware');
function relayRequestHeaders(proxyReq, req) {
Object.keys(req.headers).forEach(function (key) {
proxyReq.setHeader(key, req.headers[key]);
function relayResponseHeaders(proxyRes, req, res) {
Object.keys(proxyRes.headers).forEach(function (key) {
res.append(key, proxyRes.headers[key]);
module.exports = {
port: 3003,
server: {
middleware: {
1: proxy('/skybox', {
target: 'https://localhost:8443',
secure: false, // disable SSL verification
changeOrigin: true, // for vhosted sites, changes host header to match to target's host
onProxyReq: relayRequestHeaders,
onProxyRes: relayResponseHeaders
2: require('connect-history-api-fallback')({index: '/index.html', verbose: true})
but now res.append is undefined :(
value in that RAW response? – Unfit