I wonder what the best practices are with using StructuredArguments inside logging calls when using logstash-logback-encoder to log in JSON format.
I want to log some structured arguments in separate fields, but I don't want to format these arguments into the literal string message.
If I write my log lines like this, everything works fine as I want to, but both my IntelliJ IDEA and Sonarqube static code analysis considers this problematic issues:
log.info("Query executed successfully!", StructuredArguments.value("hits", result.getHits()));
(or more concise)
log.info("Query executed successfully!", v("hits", result.getHits()));
IntelliJ warns this on this line:
more arguments provided (1) than placeholders specified (0)
How can I avoid this? Of course I can silence the warnings and add exceptions for them, but I wonder if that is a best practice.