A challenger appears! Interesting question. You can call a function by their name as a string with the built-in Call. For example you have a function called moveFiles with a parameter, you can call that function with:
Call("moveFiles", $i)
I've written an example that demonstrates this. It's a convenient simple way of doing delegates, events or callbacks as you may be used to from other strict languages. In the example I've intentionally left out error handling because there are two ways to do it. You can return a true / false (or 1 / 0) value or you can use the SetError function with the @error macro.
Here is the full and working example:
func doSomething($function)
local $error = 0
For $i = 1 to 5
updateStatus("Processing " & $i & "/100 files")
Call($function, $i)
Return $error
Func moveFiles($i)
ConsoleWrite("Moving file " & $i & @CRLF)
Func compareFiles($i)
ConsoleWrite("Copying file " & $i & @CRLF)
Func updateProgress($i)
ConsoleWrite("Stage processing at #" & $i & @CRLF)
Func updateStatus($msg)
ConsoleWrite($msg & @CRLF)
Stage processing at #1
Processing 1/5 files
Moving file 1
Stage processing at #2
Processing 2/5 files
Moving file 2
Stage processing at #3
Processing 3/5 files
Moving file 3
Stage processing at #4
Processing 4/5 files
Moving file 4
Stage processing at #5
Processing 5/5 files
Moving file 5
Stage processing at #1
Processing 1/5 files
Copying file 1
Stage processing at #2
Processing 2/5 files
Copying file 2
Stage processing at #3
Processing 3/5 files
Copying file 3
Stage processing at #4
Processing 4/5 files
Copying file 4
Stage processing at #5
Processing 5/5 files
Copying file 5