I am trying to test my application with cucumber and capybara. I have the following step definition:
Given(/^I fill in the create article form with the valid article data$/) do
@article_attributes = FactoryGirl.build(:article)
within("#new_article") do
fill_in('article_title', with: @article_attributes.title)
attach_file('article_image', @article_attributes.image)
fill_in('article_description', with: @article_attributes.description)
fill_in('article_key_words', with: @article_attributes.key_words)
fill_in('article_body', with: @article_attributes.body)
My article factory looks like this:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :article do
sequence(:title) {|n| "Title #{n}"}
description 'Description'
key_words 'Key word'
image { File.open(File.join(Rails.root, '/spec/support/example.jpg')) }
body 'Lorem...'
association :admin, strategy: :build
And this is my uploader file:
# encoding: UTF-8
class ArticleImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
storage :file
def store_dir
def extension_white_list
%w(jpg jpeg gif png)
But each time i run this scenario i get ERROR message:
Given I fill in the create article form with the valid article data # features/step_definitions/blog_owner_creating_article.rb:1
cannot attach file, /uploads/article/image/1/example.jpg does not exist (Capybara::FileNotFound)
./features/step_definitions/blog_owner_creating_article.rb:5:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
./features/step_definitions/blog_owner_creating_article.rb:3:in `/^I fill in the create article form with the valid article data$/'
features/blog_owner_creating_article.feature:13:in `Given I fill in the create article form with the valid article data'
I also found that FactoryGirl returns image:nil
when i run FactoryGirl.build(:article)
in my rails test console.
Could anybody explain me what i am doing wrong,please?
@article_attributes = FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:article)
as you said. But@article_attributes[:image]
. Is there any way to transform this into the direct string path?` – Red