I have 2 plugins installed(redmine_backlogs and redmine_ldap_sync), but after upgrade of redmine_ldap_sync from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 a Gemfile was added.
Here the backlogs's Gemfile https://github.com/backlogs/redmine_backlogs/blob/v1.0.2/Gemfile and ldap sync's Gemfile https://github.com/thorin/redmine_ldap_sync/blob/2.0.1/Gemfile
In both cases, the simplecov is in the test group. I tried to run
bundle install --without development test
but I got this error:
You cannot specify the same gem twice with different version requirements.
You specified: simplecov (>= 0) and simplecov (~> 0.6)
This does not seem to make sense. Is there a way to bypass it without editing the file?
bundle init
to re-generate it, then it's fine. – Patio