You can simply redirect Pyscripter to see the environment of a different Python distribution.
In Windows, do this by assigning PYTHONDLLPATH in the Pyscripter shortcut. You can r-click on the shortcut, access its properties and then set the target to:
[Pyscripter executable dir] --PYTHONDLLPATH [Python distribution dir]
See this image to help you out:
setting a shortcut target
For example, in my Win10 64-bit computer I have a Python 2.7.8 installation back from when I installed ArcGIS, which is automatically recognized by my 32-bit Pyscripter installation.
In the same computer, I also have Anaconda installed with two environments that feature two 64-bit Python distributions:
2.7.14 in "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda2"
3.6 in "C:\Users\bouzi\AppData\Local\conda\conda\envs\py3"
When I installed a 64-bit version of Pyscripter, that Pyscripter version couldn't even open, as it couldn't find the conda distributions. I had to point them to it by replacing the shortcut target to:
"C:\Program Files\PyScripterx64\PyScripter.exe" --PYTHONDLLPATH "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda2"
You can create three Pyscripter shortcuts that point to these different installations of Python within your system. It's probably not the optimal way to deal with this but it works, and allows you to combine Anaconda environments with Pyscripter.
You can also read more on opening non-standard python distributions with PyScripter from this link.