I am trying to add documentation via roxygen2 in a package. I am able to create the packag successfully and on load able to use the functions too. Here is my understanding of how to do it, I create an empty R-Package project on RStudio and then have a source file named "getSomething.R". The contents are the following,
#' Test function to ask on stackoverflow
#' \code{getSomething} Does something to get something.
#' @param a param 1
#' @param b param 2
getSomething <- function(a,b){
Now, I build and load the package which should ideally, create the package with .Rd file in the /man folder and also come up on doing "?getSomething". But nothing comes up on using the command nor are the Rd files created. Am I missing something here? In my original project, I have some dependent packages which I have added.
Following is the decription file,
Package: testPackage
Type: Package
Title: Learn how to use roxygen2.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2014-11-27
Author: amj2403
Maintainer: amj2403 <emailid>
Description: Write something here
License: NA
R (>= 3.0.0),
Also the NAMESPACE file,
I think I am missing some vital step.