Let's say we have an array of objects like:
var fruits = [ {name:"banana", weight:150},{name:"apple", weight:95},{name:"orange", weight:160},{name:"kiwi", weight:80} ];
I want to populate a "heavy_fruits" array with items from the "fruits" array above which weight is > 100. Here is my code:
var heavy_fruits = [];
myfruit = {};
fruits.forEach(function(item,index) {
if ( item.weight > 100 ) {
myfruit ["name"] = item.name;
myfruit ["weight"] = item.weight;
However it shows: name:"orange", weight:160 name:"orange", weight:160 name:"orange", weight:160 name:"orange", weight:160
I know this is an issue with mixing closures and loops... but I read an article (http://zsoltfabok.com/blog/2012/08/javascript-foreach/) explaining that I would avoid this kind of issue using a forEach loop instead of the classic for loop.
I know I can use array methods like filter(), etc. but I'm asking that on purpose since I'm actually having troubles with a much bigger function that I cannot expose here... So I tried to summarize and simplify my issue description with "fruits".
is referencing to same object. Movemyfruit = {};
in theforEach
callback. And I'll suggest to usefilter
asvar heavy_fruits = fruits.filter(f => f.weight > 100);
. – RedhandedforEach
has got <= 2% use case. For this particular case you should use eitherfilter
. – AciculumforEach
. – Puente