My understanding is that minimum and maximum can only be set with Auto Scaling policies for ECS services.
You will need to create auto scaling policies to set these.
Service Auto Scaling is made possible by a combination of the Amazon ECS, CloudWatch, and Application Auto Scaling APIs.
In your case, just using Application AutoScaling API, registerScalableTarget method call should be enough. Here is Example.
$result = $client->registerScalableTarget([
'MaxCapacity' => 20,
'MinCapacity' => 2,
'ResourceId' => 'service/default/sample-webapp', // REQUIRED
'RoleARN' => 'arn:aws:iam::012345678910:role/ApplicationAutoscalingECSRole',
'ScalableDimension' => 'ecs:service:DesiredCount', // REQUIRED
'ServiceNamespace' => 'ecs', // REQUIRED