This question involves Delphi and XE specifically deprecating Suspend and Resume. I have read other posts and I have not found a similar usage so far, so I’m going to go ahead and ask for a discussion.
What I’d like to know is there a better way to pause a thread when it is not needed?
We have a Delphi class that we have used for years that is basically a FIFO Queue that is associated with a threaded process. The queue accepts a data object on the main thread and if the thread is suspended it will resume it.
As part of the thread’s Execute process the object is popped out of the queue and processed on the thread. Usually this is to do a database lookup.
At the end of the process a property of the object is updated and marked as available to the main thread or passed on to another queue. The last (well it really is the first) step of the Execute process is to check if there are any more items in the queue. If there is it continues, otherwise it suspends itself.
They key is the only suspend action is inside the Execute loop when it is completed, and the only resume during normal operations is called when a new item is placed in the queue. The exception is when the queue class is being terminated.
The resume function looks something like this.
process TthrdQueue.MyResume();
if Suspended then begin
Sleep(1); //Allow thread to suspend if it is in the process of suspending
The execute looks similar to this
process TthrdQueue.Execute();
Obj : TMyObject;
FreeOnTerminate := true;
while not terminated do begin
if not Queue.Empty then begin
Obj := Pop();
MyProcess(Obj); //Do work
Obj.Ready := true;
Suspend(); // No more Work
end; //Queue clean up in Destructor
The TthrdQueue Push routine calls MyResume after adding another object in the stack. MyResume only calls Resume if the thread is suspended.
When shutting down we set terminate to true and call MyResume if it is suspended.