So - I think this is a browser bug. It came up in a much more complicated design/site, but I've had a good solid fiddle around, simplified my code and designs, etc, and have found the following:
When embedding <video>
without a controls attribute in Chrome, triggering the video to play using javascript causes the video element to go blank.
The blankness is a bit random, sometimes by rolling out of the element, it'll reappear. Sometimes you need to click/focus on something else, most of the time pausing the video will cause it to reappear.
I've also put a (commented out) line in there to show that it's not just based on the click, it occurs when play()
is called via setTimeout
Anyways, have a play and tell me what you think.
(Ooo - and the other video is there to show that the another element which is identical apart from the controls
attribute works fine
attribute out, then click run code, then right-click on the video and select Play (from the browser context menu!) and the same thing happens. –
on a video when a certain scroll depth is reached). Scroll past the waypoint and it starts playing as normal. – Banditry