When I try to unpublish and delete a page, Tridion throws a 'The item is published. Unable to delete Page.' error and refuses to delete it.
I confirmed that the files were successfully unpublished from both targets and the unpublish jobs showed up marked 'Successful' in the Publish Queue.
In the CM database tables, it looks like there are additional entries in the ITEM_STATES and PUBLISH_STATES tables associated with that page ID. These additional rows have STATE = 1 (which I'm guessing means published) and COMPONENT_TEMPLATE_REF_ID = NULL. Here is how it appears in SQL, AFTER unpublishing:
Is it safe for me to (1) zero out the 'State' field in these tables, or (2) delete the rows entirely?
We just upgraded to Tridion 2011 SP 1 from Tridion 2011, and it seemed to start after that conversion. We only publish from one publication. That publication has two targets (if that matters).