In my AngularJS project I have something like this (it's a dropdown menu with customer names. With a click on one of the names a Scrum Card should appear with the customer's names inserted in the card.):
<ul class="dropdown-menu red" >
<li ng-repeat="customer in customers" ng-click="addCard()">
I want to accomplish that a card will be inserted on every click. Now the problem is, that this card has multiple lines of HTML code. So it would be better to insert a whole new template. But I can't insert a template with ng-click, right? Besides that, to put the HTML in a variable and push it to this list is quite dirty, isn't it?
So, I thought about creating a Card Class in Coffeescript and create an instance on every click. What would be good practive to create this class on click with my HTML template/partial? How do I tell Angular to create a new instance of my class Card?
(Before that I created a Directive that had the templateURL attribute with my partial. But the same problem: I want to inject my directive on ng-click and not manually by including my directive in the code ... btw, I am an Angular and CoffeeScript beginner ...)
Thank you very much in advance!