I want to achieve this result with HTML and CSS:
Where the red box is a big content (A PDF content), and the blue ones organize around it. First by its side and then, when there is enough room, under it.
My HTML structure is as follows, but I can change it:
<div id="outerContainer">
<div id="bigRedBox"></div>
<ul id="blueContentList">
<li class="blueContent"></li>
<li class="blueContent"></li>
<li class="blueContent"></li>
<li class="blueContent"></li>
<li class="blueContent"></li>
By now, the positioning stays like this:
I don't know if this is possible without setting up two containers (One on the side, one below), which I can do, but would make me write lots of JS.
float: left
on the red div? Then all you need to do is make sure the blue divs are the appropriate width to fit in 1 column down the side – Stadiometer